In recent times we are being told these are the End Times and Armegeddon is around the corner. And I guess to some degrees they could be right: When the human race as a species are hell bent on killing each other, global warming appears to be like a organism in its death throws, viruses and illness designed to kill, illness resistant to treatment and the list goes......
A few hundred years ago people thought the signs where there when black death came and ran rampent throughout Europe but we did survive and continue.
But something tells me these days are different.....
I am curious to know what you think
Are we in the myst of Armegeddon?
Are the signs there for the End days?
And is there any hope to change the outcome?
If so would you?
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well.. i was raised a jehovahs witness so i have been "waiting for armegeddon since their first predicted date of parents are still very staunch in their belifs and it is a never ending bonce of contention....
in a post i did recently,, i dont know if oyu caught it or not...
i was fascinated by the comments it drew... have a look at it...
i was amazed at the people that think that global warming is in fact very likely to be the book of revelation,.... redux... i had never thought about that when i was writing the rather tongue in cheek post....
What scares me is that people who have influence in the US government believe in this End Times insanity. They have it all mapped out. They see it as starting in the Mid-East. So, I fear that this will be a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Unfortunately there are alot of selpfulling prophecies going around.... I fear this is just one of them...the thing that bothers me most is people using it as excuse to do what they..... it is looking more and more like a vicous circle...
Paisley... I admir the Jehovahs and had friends who of this faith...I have gret respect for those who have enough conviction in themselves to what they do knocking on doors .... whether I share their beleives or not I always offer a cuppa....
The question of Global Change is a fact. 5, maybe 10 years ago it was up for debate, it no longer debateable, its a question of when. I am not a bunnyhugger, Greenpeace fanatic etc. This is just payback time for what man has done to the environment. Simple. We will wait until the shit hits the fan, and then we will try and manage it.
No, global change is not a debate, because there is always change. It is the one constant in life. Global warming is not a debate, when it is warming, just as when it is cooling, it is not much debate that it is cooling, and it's been cycling like that since the dawn of time. However, I find it weird that adults say there is no debate, when there are sites everywhere that do debate it. That is the one fact that is not a fact. For example, I've heard Al Gore say it's not a debate, but at there have been over 17,000! scientists sign a petition debating what a few say is 'not a debate':
No matter what you believe about global change, to say there is no debate just means you can't read, or refuse to. In the 70's, all the 'experts' said there was only enough oil for 20 years. The world's experts in 1800 said heavier than air flying machines were impossible. It happens every generation. Man's imagination is unlimited, and we continue to find solutions to problems, if we are focused on innovations rather than silencing debate.
As for whether the signs point to Armageddon? The signs always point to that from what I see. The prophecies are vague enough that any major disaster or war would fit the bill, and there will always be plenty of those. The sad thing is that some people seem to want armageddon, to push for it. If you don't try to stop them, they blow stuff up. If you try to stop them, they blow stuff up. If you go talk to them and take medicine to their children, they hold you hostage for money to buy more materials to blow stuff up. If you run away from them, they broadcast victory and recruit 100 more fanatics to make more bombs, assuming they are one step closer to world domination. I suppose if enough dedicated religious folk are bound and determined to bring armageddon, we'll see something that looks like it, but it's still just imperialism wearing holy robes.
Hmmmmmmmm well the problem I have with these prophecies is the people who interpret them. If ANYTHING remotely can be interpreted to fit in with their viewpoint then it is a stonewall, absolutely evidential truth. If it doesn't its 'forgotten about'.
These prophecies must be fufilled first then three and a half years later comes the war!
Daniel 11:
31 "And forces shall be mustered by him, and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress; then they shall take away the daily sacrifices, and place there the abomination of desolation.
aniel 12:11 "And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.
Matt 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
This happens before the war of Armageddon.
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