Thursday, September 13, 2007

Really what is the differnce

I am sitting here looking at the picture of the week and thinking yep I totally get it.
What is the difference between a person who believes in UFO's, Aliens, Alien Abductions and all things which revolve around this subjects and a person who believes in an 'all powerful being, who creates the entire universe in 6 days, sculptured man out of clay and ash and woman out of one of his ribs, has magical powers, is immortal, can influence your every aspect of each persons lives and take control of it'.
Neither of these two beliefs can be proven, all we have is faith that Aliens exist and a reasonable idea of the Universe and its vastness and a 1500 yr old book which says this is what happened by the way it was mostly written several hundred after the events in which it speaks not eye witness accounts as most believe.
So what is the difference apart from Jesus and any and all Prophets who came and told us so..... I know a guy around the corner who tells me all about the aliens and what they have said about life the Universe and everything so in a way he too is a prophet.
Tell the real difference because all I can see at the moment is two seperate belief systems one which is excepted and one which is ridiqueled.


Anonymous said...

I think it is all about what is the custom in a particular society. Christianity is the norm here in Britain, just as it is over there In Australia. So it is thought to be OK to believe in all that stuff. But if no one had heard of Christianity and someone tried to introduce it today, it would be ridiculed. Virgin birth? Can you imagine how that would go down in the press?

But I think it is possible to have a spiritual component in your life which is not about belief, more about personal experience. It is about what you feel inside to be true, not about what someone else tells you you have to believe.

Which is why I use, meditation, Deekhsa, being in the moment, and all the other stuff I go on about in my blog, all of which can make 'God' or 'the universe' (or whatever you want to call it) into a *real* experience. You still can't prove it to anyone else, but you can feel it.

paisley said...

i am soooo with you on this... what is wrong with people??? can they not see simply because they are to f'ing lazy to think???

Anonymous said...

Is It Possible To Know God Personally?

Well I believe that the only reason God created us is so we might know Him, personally!

The only way to know God is through that 2700 (not 1500) year old written words that were left to us by all those men. Yes, these were stories that were passed down form one generation to another, but don't you find it odd that when you look at a manuscript from today, that it is very much like the oldest written stories? You know, the ones written on old parchment and papyrus?

There are many writers of old that "reported" on Jesus and the miracles He performed during His short life on Earth. Read Josephus' journals, Jesus is "reported on" by him. The miracles were real according to Josephus, and if a Roman Jew can find credence in what he saw, don't you think that the other records, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, should be taken literally? I do.

Thinking has nothing to do with the belief you have. God calls those who are supposed to be saved by faith, won't you listen with your heart?

Brigid said...

There's a book called Case For A Creator. It's a very interesting read, you should check it out sometime.

Anyway, I was born into a Catholic family but had serious doubts about the existence of God from an early age.

I don't think the world was literally created in 6 days, but what seems to be lost on many people is that the early authors of the Bible came from a culture much more used to metaphor and symbolism than we are in the west. It is interesting to note that the order of creation is quite close to what scientists now say happened, never mind the length of time involved.

As for Jesus, there is historical proof for his existence. Either he was crazy and his followers were lying about him rising from the dead, or he was the real deal.

Considering how many died hideous, excruciatingly painful deaths rather than renounce him, I'm voting for the latter.

Brigid said...

P.S. As for the UFO types, well, there are nuts, hucksters, and people who really saw something strange.

Aliens? Fairies? Spirits? Ball lightning? The first three aren't all that likely and the fourth doesn't explain everything.

Me, I'm not entirely convinced either way.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophies."

DubLiMan said...

We are linked, yet again.